The InDesign Template Generator - Product Support (link below) lists every printed product, detailing its support level and completeness.
Now that TGI supports nearly all products, this document is less important than when the TGI project was first started in 2006.
Rather than being a critical document, the Product Support listing is simply an export from our internal quality processes (implementation and version control logs).
This is a measure of our confidence that the generated document meets the production specification:
Support Level | Notes |
No Support | Initial state |
Do Not Show | Deliberately hidden |
Open Network | Templates provided elsewhere |
Brand Demand | Private builds only |
Hide (parked; no support) | For work-in-progress |
Internal Testing | We're getting it ready |
Alpha Release | Use with caution |
Beta Release | Nearly ready; some faults |
Certified Release | We're confident it'll work! |
For general release, TGI only creates documents for products having a support level of Internal Testing or better (shown bold).
This is a measure of how complete the generated document will be. For example, if elements need to be added manually, then the Completeness will be less than 100%.
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