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Basket quotes

Alistair Wilson
by Alistair Wilson 9 years ago

The quotes app allows customer to save multiple different baskets and to swap their basket with an older quote.

It can be used by customers to build up different orders, and leave a quote saved for later if a more immediate requirement for print comes up.

The quotes app appears by default on V3 responsive microsites, and can be removed by  choosing other explicit apps - see Microsite Apps - Choosing your menus for more info. If you turn off the quotes app for a customer or category, you won't see a save icon in the basket.

Please note: Basket quotes are not related to the quotes menu in Flyerlink.
The quotes menu in Flyerlink lets Flyerlink users build a quote to check prices and send out a PDF to the client.
Basket quotes allows your customer to save baskets as quotes for later use.

Quotes app

Customers can see a link to all their quotes once they log in and go to their dashboard

The page will show a list of all baskets they've saved

To save a quote, simply head to the basket and press a new save icon.

You will then be redirected back to the quote page where you can see an overview of your quotes

Expand an item to see more details

The quote is active and can be added to within Flyerlink.

Press swap with basket to exchange the existing basket with this quote.

Building up quotes instead of baskets

If a client knows they want to build a quote and get prices without having to upload artwork immediately, you can direct them to their quote app.

Here they'll see a note that has a helpful "Start now" link.

When that is pressed, instead of redirecting clients to the artwork options when they add an item to their basket, we will instead direct them straight to the basket.

On the basket we highlight the next steps someone can take. Whether they should keep adding items to their basket, stop quoting or save the quote.


See also

Creating an Opportunity (PDF Quote)

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