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Collecting payments with PayU

Alistair Wilson
by Alistair Wilson 10 years ago

Setting up PayU online payments



1. Introduction

  • Online payment gateways
  • PayU rates

2. How to link PayU with Flyerlink

  • Upgrading an existing personal account                                            
  • Signing up to a new business account

3. Receiving online payments

4. Frequently asked questions

1. Introduction

Online payment gateway

Online payment gateways enable you to receive payments directly into your bank account, without having to ring up customers and chase payments. Customers enter their bank account details through PayU's online portal, the payment then enters your PayU merchant account and a cashbook is allocated against your job to mark it as paid in Flyerlink.

Flyerlink® is connected with other payment gateways:

  • PayPal is well-known, highly international and easy to set up.
  • Stripe is the recommended choice for the countries it operates in, as it is easy to set up with low transaction fees.
  • Worldpay offers competitive UK rates for large transaction volumes, however the set-up process is complicated and time consuming.
  • Buckaroo is a Holland-specific payment portal that accepts Ideal payments.
  • PayU operates internationally in several countries including Poland, India, Romania, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Russia.

This guide explains how to set up PayU, the preferred choice in Poland.

PayU Rates

PayU charge a fee per transaction you use the payment portal for. There are no monthly or weekly fees, only charges per transaction. The transaction fee is tailored to each business. 

Contact PayU to discuss your payment rate. 

2. How to link PayU with Flyerlink

To start receiving online payments through PayU, follow our steps below:

  1. Register for a PayU Merchant Account.
  2. In your PayU Account, head to Online Payments > My Shop > Add Shop.
    Enter details of your online shop.

    We will take care of the Error return address & Successful return address for you, so don't worry about this. Just add something sensible such as  your orderlink site url with /account/payu-return.
  3. Choose the Checkout POS type when setting up your PayU merchant account.

    If you're having authentication issues, with a test payment you may have chosen the incorrect Express Payment option.
    To swap back, create a new shop and delete your old one.
  4. Take a note of your POS and Secondary Key (MD5), you'll need to add these to Flyerlink.
  5. Log into Flyerlink and head to Workgroup > Admin > Workgroup Settings > Payment Methods.
  6. Tick PayU Enabled? and save.
    Then click the Add or edit PayU payment methods link.
  7. Choose the PayU payment method you want, whether you want surcharge added or not, and Enter your POS and Secondary Key (MD5), from step 3.
  8. Save and give your PayU account a test run by going to your Orderlink Payment page.
    You should see the payment method you added.

If you didn't take a note of your POS and Secret Key (MD5) while setting up your PayU shop, don't worry you can retrieve it any time by logging into PayU and going to Online Shops > My Shops > POS

Then press the POS for your shop and you'll see your Configuration Keys again.

3. Receiving online payments

Once your PayU account is activated and your credentials are in Flyerlink, customers will be able to make secure payments their online orders.

All jobs with outstanding payments are listed on the clients

Dashboard, in their Notifications section.

Pressing any link will take the customer to that pay now page.

Once a payment is made, Flyerlink will automatically create a cashbook and allocate it to the order. PayU will process the payment and allocate it to your bank account. You’ll be informed via an email and Flyerlink® News Feed that a client has made payment.

4. Frequently Asked Questions

I'm getting an Authorisation Error, why?

If you see an "Authorisation Error" when making a test payment, either you've copied your Configuration Keys incorrectly, or you've chosen the Express Payment POS type.

We need the Checkout POS type, then we need your POS and Secondary Key (MD5) to pay the correct account.

To swap back, create a new shop and delete your old one.

What countries does PayU operate in?

PayU operates in several international countries, including: Poland, India, Romania, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Russia. For a full list, visit PayU's corporate website.

PayU does not operate in most Western European countries, the UK, United States, New Zealand or Australia.                                                                                                                                                                                  


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Adding Payment Methods in Flyerlink


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