w3p automatically assigns jobs to your workgroup when they are ordered by customers. These jobs are packaged in runs, the objects that track production.
Periodically poll your list of runs, with criteria: state=production and days=<despatch target>
GET https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/runs?state=production&days=10&format=json
Examine a run, to get the specifications of all its jobs (there is usually just one job in a run).
GET https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/runs/1234/jobs?format=json
Claim the run with ‘accept’ call:
POST https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/runs/1234/accept format=json
The locations of artwork files are detailed in each job object in the above GET /runs/.../jobs/ call.
Now do what you do best: convert the order into goods or services, and then process your items for despatch. Inform w3p that this is done by logging the despatch (see Despatching, below).
If something 'abortive' happens during production of a job, you can remove it from its run.
Either you or the studio can then make changes before it does to production again (status 081)
When a job.status is set to 081, and the run type should be configured to be ‘auto-allocating’, then the job will be allocated immediately to a new run.
Just deallocate - make API changes
If you want to change the job, but the job is locked.
First deallocate the job and then make changes using PUT /jobs API requests.
POST https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/runs/1234/jobs/5678/deallocate
OR (alias)
POST https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/jobs/5678/deallocate
Deallocate & status 091 - require changes from design studio
To require a studio to make changes provide a costing and reason as url parameters
The studio will then be notified the job has been sent to status 091 and requires changes before it can be produced.
POST https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/runs/1234/jobs/5678/deallocate ?costing=CAN&reason=My%20Reason
OR (alias)
POST https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/jobs/5678/deallocate ?costing=CAN&reason=My%20Reason
Immediately before despatching, get the despatch specification again, in case it has changed since calling GET /runs/1234/jobs
Use the POST /job/…/despatch request to register that you have physically packed and processed a job for despatch.
POST https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/jobs/<job.id>/despatch line=2316091&quantity=1000&boxes=1&run=12345
Has a job been despatched?
GET https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/jobs/<job.id>/despatch
What runs have been completed?
GET https://dev.flyerlink.com/api.php/runs?state=production&days=10
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