Support for

Finishing Layers - x_layers

Die-cuts, Spot UV, Opuleaf and Embossini are supported for use in Templates. If your Template features any of these elements, follow these steps.

  • Put the Spot UV, Die-cut, Opuleaf or Embossini object on a new layer (observing the usual Designing for Production rules e.g. set to overprint, specify as a spot colour, DO NOT change the name of the swatch).
  • Name the layer with ‘x_’ prefix e.g. x_die-cut, x_spotUV, x_opuleaf or x_embossini
  • Make sure the layers are top-most, just as if you're supplying to production.
  • Don't group elements on x_layers.

When you upload your .indt file, the editor will hide any layers which begin x_ from the user. So the user won't see the green die-cut lines, yellow Spot-UV or Opuleaf/Embossini swatches.

When the PDF is made, these finishing layers will be present as the topmost layer.

InDesign Ink Manager

Adobe InDesign® has a print setting that forces all spot colours to be process, it is important that this setting is not active when you are saving your template files. Go to Window > Output > Separations Preview and then use the dropdown menu to select Ink Manager.

In the dialogue box that opens, ensure that All Spots To Process isn't ticked.

If the All Spots To Process is ticked, then your printing will come back with the 'finishing' objects printed in CMYK.


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Step 6 - Special Use Layers


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