Support for

TCAPI: Embedding the editor

Alistair Wilson
by Alistair Wilson 8 years ago

This article explains how to embed the TemplateCloud editor on your website using some simple HTML & Javascript call.

You will also need to create an editor session to tell the editor which template or instance should be modified using an API call.

Note: this is a new simplified approach to opening the editor that means integrators no longer need to use the Create Instance API call.

Embedding the editor

Once you've got an sdsid, you can use this in your editor

To load the editor add this HTML


        <script src=""></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            TemplateEditor = new TemplateEditor({
                options: {
                    src: '',
                    height: '400px',
                    width: '600px'
                params: {
                    sdsession: '<your sdsid>',
                    continue_url: '<your continue url>',
                    exit_url: '<your exit url>'
Options Description Required?

The url of the editor.
Dev editor url =
Live editor url =

width Width of the editor
Eg 800px
height Height of the editor
Eg 400px
fullscreen either "true" or "false"
If "true" we'll load the editor fullscreen


Params Description Required?
sdsession Get this from the POST /sessions/create API call
See below for more details
continue_url The url to send people to after they press Next step in the editor Yes
exit_url The url to send people to after they press Quit & cancel in the editor Yes

The language to open the editor in.
By default we use English.
Can also use:

tc_US for US.
tc_AU for Australia
tc_NZ for New Zealand
tc_IE for Ireland
tc_FR for France
tc_NL for Holland
tc_ES for Spain
tc_DE for Germany
tc_IT for Italy
tc_SE for Sweden
tc_PT for Portugal



Create session



Creates an editor session to open the editor.

  • Pass through a template id to start editing a new template.
  • Or pass through an instance id to re-edit a design that's already been started.

Works with both GET and POST API calls
POST only returns in XML, but requires no user_key

Parameter Description
format json or xml
Required option

One template ID.

Use this to get a SDSession to use when you open the editor.
Use a template_id to create a new instance and a new editor session.


One instance ID.

Use this to get a SDSession to use when you open the editor.
Use a instance id to re-edit a design that's been opened in the editor by a customer at least 1 time before. Or to edit an instance you've made using the depreciated /templates/<>/edit

Example request & responses

GET/POST template_id request
GET/POST template_id response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="ok">
  <message>SDSession created.</message>


GET/POST instance_id request
GET/POST instance_id response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="ok">
  <message>SDSession created.</message>

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TemplateCloud API Guide


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