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TCAPI: PHP platform example

John Valentine
by John Valentine 10 years ago


The Pest interface ( can simplify API calls. Here’s an code snippet that gets and displays TemplateCloud data in PHP:

// Load the library (Pest folder must be in PHP's include path)
require_once 'Pest/PestJSON.php';
include '../data/tcapi_key.php'; // e.g. contains: $tcapi_key = '01234567890abcdef';

// Initialise the library (put in your TC credentials here; username not needed for dev/sandbox)
$apiClient = new PestJSON( '' ); 
$apiClient->setupAuth( 'username', 'password' );

// Make a simple get call (this returns tag types in JSON format)
try {
    $result = $apiClient->get('/tag_types/?format=json&user_key='.$tcapi_key );
catch (Exception $e) {
    // Handle error. In practice there are several exception types,
    // which you can use to differentiate between different error conditions
    die( $e->getMessage() );

// Examine successful result
// This just outputs to the page; you'll want to present it nicely.
echo '
print_r( $result );
echo '

To use the sandbox, the above example is modified slightly:

  • Change the API access point to
    $apiClient = new PestJSON( '' );

  • You don’t need to supply (username, password) at the authentication step.

When your production account is set up, we’ll give you the (username, password) for the authentication step.

Example: Templates

It’s likely you’ll want to get a list of templates that meet your criteria. Here’s an example where we look for templates suitable for two-sided A6. It also returns their meta-data (tags, colours, etc) which you can omit by removing them from the include parameter. 

    $result = $apiClient->get(
        '/templates/?format=json' .
        '&user_key=' . $tcapi_key .
        '&include=tags%2Csize%2Ccolour%2Ctags%2Ctag_group%2Cimages' .

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