For complex projects like websites, payments are often staggered or staged rather than delivered in one bulk sum.
Staging payments reduces the risk for both the design agency and the client. The design agency receive some payment for their initial time outlay, and the client only pays the full amount when the work is completed.
Use Milestones to record website payments.
Avoid using a Jobs, Orders or Subscriptions.
To create a Milestone, simply:
Once you've done all the work required for a milestone, press the Charge Stage Fee button.
This will mark the milestone as complete, and create a charge job.
By default milestones create a charge job at status 008
This way you can review the charge job before sending to 081 and making an invoice.
However you can use the Auto 081? option to create jobs that go to status 081 automatically when Charge stage fee is pressed.
You can also choose a stripe card for the project.
If a stripe card is chosen, we will charge the card for any jobs created that have "Auto 081?" ticked. This includes jobs that are automatically created by setting a target date and "Auto 081".
If the payment collection is successful, we'll make a cashbook and apply it to the job. We will also provide a newsfeed showing the job and cashbook that have been made.
If you set a target date, one of two things can happen:
1) Set a target date and leave "Auto 081?" disabled
You will get a newsfeed when the target date has passed letting you know that the milestone should be completed or looked into.
The newsfeed notification will give you reminders about the milestone for 1 week.
2) Set a target date and tick "Auto 081?"
We will automatically create a charge job on your target date for the milestone, and will create a stripe payment if there's a stripe card against the project.
Milestones can be added to proposals to show clients the costs associated to a web project, however it is only project milestones that can be used to automatically create jobs.
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