A project could potentially have lots of different tasks and sub tasks going on, so we've built lots of ways to help you find what you're looking for.
On a project summary page, by default you'll see a list of all the Active tasks that still need to be completed.
If you want to view the task, just click on the task number, assignee or task name.
You can use the task filters to narrow down the list of tasks.
The Active option will show you all tasks in project, that don't have a Status of or . The Completed option will show you tasks that have been , incase you need to see them for future reference.
You can also filter by Priority, Status or Assignee to find tasks that match the option you're after. This could be used to find High priority tasks, or tasks assigneed to a particular workmate. You will only see statuses, priorities or assignees that have at least 1 matching task.
Finally you can also change the ordering your tasks show in.
You can search for tasks or projects via
.Before you search, you'll be shown a list of the tasks you're most likely to want to view. It will show you Recently Added tasks, Last Updated tasks, and Assigneed To Me tasks.
You can search for the task name or #id , and it will find any matches
Each task can have sub-tasks, which are issues related to or dependent on the parent task.
You can see all sub-tasks underneath the task updates.
The task overview will show you how many of this and it's sub-tasks have been completed, are late or are still to do.
You can follow the link on the sub-task to view and update it.
Sub-tasts are a great way of re-finding related activities. If you can find one task, with sub-tasks you'll be able to find several more.
When you're on a sub-task you're able to both change the parent task and use the breadcrumb links to move back.
The grey links across the top of a task help you to move back to the project, or a parent task.
If you need to change the parent task, or move it to be a sub-task of a new parent task, you can do that easily by choosing a different task on the dropdown menu.
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